Several discernment sessions for men interested in the diaconate will be held beginning 18 January 2025. Potential candidates are invited to attend all sessions as scheduled to learn about the facets of formation. Priests and deacons are encouraged to invite men to participate through personal invitation.
Perhaps you know a good and virtuous man who would be a good deacon.You might be the person who initiates that thought in his mind. The discernment of a calling to the diaconate is never done alone but should be done with other men who are also considering this vocation. Most importantly, his wife (if he's married) has a significant role in the discernment process. Please send this to any man whom you think should discern this calling.
The vocation of the diaconate is a calling to represent Christ the servant. A deacon is called to serve his local church community. The ministry he fulfills is that of the proclamation of the Word of God, the Gospel, and to bring Christ in the Eucharist for homebound Catholics. A deacon can baptize, be the official Church's witness at weddings, and confer blessings according to the rites of the Church--including Eucharistic benediction. The deacon is a cleric of the Church, though distinct from the priest, so his service at the Mass is a symbol of the entire people of God gathered around Christ's Altar of sacrifice.